Our Breeding Philosophy

Welcome to our Breeding Philosophy page, where we wholeheartedly embrace ethical practices, preserve the integrity of breed standards, and prioritize the well-being of our beloved Redbone Hounds. With genuine devotion, we strive to produce healthy, temperamentally exceptional puppies that embody the true essence of this remarkable breed.

Puppies being held by kids

Ethical Breeding Practices

  • As a Redbone Hound breeder, my steadfast commitment to ethical breeding practices ensures the well-being and long-term excellence of this beloved breed.
  • Recognizing the significance of health testing and genetic screening, I am dedicated as a Redbone Hound breeder to prioritizing the overall well-being of my dogs by implementing rigorous health protocols to safeguard against hereditary issues and promote the longevity and vitality of the breed.
  • As a responsible Redbone Hound breeder, I am deeply committed to upholding the highest standards of breeding by carefully selecting suitable pairs based on their health, temperament, and conformation, ensuring the continuation of the breed’s excellence. By prioritizing these factors, I strive to produce puppies with exceptional qualities, sound temperaments, and optimal health, ultimately contributing to the betterment of the Redbone Hound breed.

    Preserving Breed Standards

    • With a strong emphasis on maintaining the breed’s standards and characteristics, I am dedicated as a Redbone Hound breeder to preserving the distinct qualities that define this remarkable breed. Through meticulous selection, responsible breeding practices, and a deep understanding of breed standards, I strive to uphold the essence and integrity of the Redbone Hounds, ensuring their continued legacy.
    • With a thorough understanding of the breed standards established by recognized kennel clubs and breed organizations, including the United Kennel Club (UKC), I continually educate myself by studying the latest periodicals and staying updated on any revisions or developments. This knowledge allows me, as a dedicated Redbone Hound breeder, to meticulously adhere to these standards, ensuring that each puppy exemplifies the ideal characteristics and traits set forth by the reputable governing bodies.
    Redbone hound standing in cedar forest

    Temperament and Health

    • I am wholeheartedly committed to breeding Redbone Hounds with exceptional temperaments and robust health. Through careful selection, genetic screening, and attentive care, I prioritize producing puppies that possess the ideal balance of temperament traits, exhibiting stability, friendliness, and adaptability, while also maintaining optimal health and vitality.
    • Placing a strong emphasis on producing puppies with stable and balanced temperaments, my goal as a Redbone Hound breeder is to ensure they are well-suited for loving family environments. By carefully selecting breeding pairs and providing early socialization, I aim to raise puppies who become loyal, gentle companions, bringing joy and harmony to their new families.
    • I prioritize the health and well-being of my Redbone Hounds through a comprehensive approach that includes regular veterinary care, obtaining relevant health certifications, and responsible breeding practices. By minimizing the risk of hereditary health issues and ensuring the overall health of the puppies, I strive to provide a strong foundation for their long and happy lives.